In time dimension Feng Shui, there are a total of 9 periods. Each period lasts 20 years and it takes a total of 180 years to complete a cycle of the 9 periods. In every 20 years, there is a major energy change in the Universe due to the planetary movements between the Sun and the stars. As a result, when a period transits from one to another, it also brings about major changes in Feng Shui.

Period 9 starts from February 5th, 2024 and will last for 20 years to February 4th, 2044. As we approach 2024, no feng shui analysis of any home or office can be completed without taking time into account. 

As we transited into Period 8 in 2004 which belongs to the Ken Trigam in Bagua, represented by Northeast (representing the mountain), young men and the Earth element. Hence in Period 8, young men dominated and there has been an increase in outstanding performances or contributions by this younger generation.   Most importantly, as we enter the new period, houses and buildings that were built in Period 7 (between 4th Feb 1984 to 4th Feb 2004) or Period 8 (between 5th Feb 2004 to 4th Feb 2024)  will lose its chi energy and strength. 

Period 9 belongs to the Li Trigram in Bagua, which is represented by South (representing Fire, Fame and Recognition), the middle aged women and the Fire element.  There will be a major shift in thinking from profit/ wealth to purpose; controlling to empowering/ motivation as well as hierarchies to networks.  There’s also the need to build more than 1 stream of income as the Fire element is not as stable as the Earth element represented by the Mountain in Period 8.

Watch the following videos to find out more.

Feng Shui – Why You Should Build Multiple Streams Of Income in the coming Period 9

Fengshui Period 9 Mindset Shifts for Abundance

Feng Shui Period 9 – Where’s the Future Wealth Energy in My Home?


Align Yourself To Period 9 and Create More Abundance

As mentioned above, with the energies shifting towards a new era… Period 9 –  there will be a major shift in thinking from profit/ wealth to purpose; controlling to empowering/ motivation as well as hierarchies to networks.  This period would likely be fraught with uncertainties as the Fire element is not as stable as the Earth element represented by the Mountain in Period 8 (2004 to 2023).  In this period, the focus on wellness especially from an emotional and mental perspective will gain importance for us to have abundance, happiness and fulfilment…

Interested to learn Bazi and Feng Shui to help yourself and your family have better success, relationship and abundance in life especially in Period 9?  Click on the following link to find out more about our courses:

Watch the rest of the videos in Janet Yung’s YouTube channel: