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Ammonite Pendant


Wear this Ammonite Pendant for good fortune, wealth and happiness!

Dimensions (L×W×H) (cm):

  • Big: 3.2 x 0.6 x 3.8*
  • Medium: 2.6 x 0.6 x 3.2*
  • Small: 2.5 x 0.5 x 3.1*
  • Extra Small: 2.3 x 0.4 x 2.8*


*Please note that the color intensity and dimensions of the Ammonite may differ as each piece is unique. A picture of the Ammolite will be sent to your email address and will be mailed out to you within 5 days of your order if we do not receive a rejection reply.

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SKU: AMP128 Categories: , Tags: , , ,

Wear this Ammonite Pendant for good fortune, wealth and happiness!

“The Most Influential Stone of the Millennium”.

This gemstone promotes the flow of “气” (pronounced chi) throughout the body, enhancing well-being and reducing the body’s toxicity. Ammonite’s rich colours stimulate creativity, energy, wisdom, intellect and wealth. Not only does it bring balance to a person’s body, but also to a person’s surroundings.

When the stone is placed in the home, it promotes a happy family, and when it is placed in the office, it promotes good business dealings.

In essence, anyone who finds or possesses ammonite is entitled to wondrous prosperity and fortune.  The multiple layers of colour inside the stone are what creates the sparkling radiance. By examining the stone, one will see the seeds of seven distinct colours: ruby crimson, fiery orange, amber yellow, emerald green, jade, azure and mauve. Hence, some Feng Shui masters have named it the “Seven Colour Prosperity Stone”. Each colour represents a different meaning. For example, crimson stimulates growth and energy; orange generates creativity, and increased libido; green improves wisdom, intellect and promotes entrepreneurship; yellow improves wealth; and blue promotes peace and health.

Weight N/A

Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large

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