
Infinity Crystal Pendant


Wear our Infinity Crystal Pendant to enjoy endless good fortune!

Dimensions (L×W×H) (cm): 1.1 x 0.3 x 1.4

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SKU: 8CPY Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

Wear our Infinity Crystal Pendant to enjoy endless good fortune!

The number “8”, which looks similar to the infinity knot, is a sign of endless love and good fortune. As we are in the Feng Shui Period of 8 right now, the number 8 has taken on powers of significance and abundant luck, so never be without one!  Wearing or carrying any item with the number 8 in it represents the endless good luck and fortune that we can receive during this period.

In mandarin, the number 8, “八” , is pronounced in a manner which rhymes with the word “prosper” or “wealth” 发”. As such, 8 is deemed as a very auspicious number in the Chinese culture! To further enhance your wealth luck, you can choose to wear or carry the number 8 or infinity knot in the colour of yellow.

Infinity: the quality of being infinite or it is the unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity:  boundlessness


Weight 0.2 kg

Pendant, Keychain


Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue

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